Dobrodosli na Oficijalni kanal "Zillion Film". Ovaj Kanal, kao i svi postavljeni video i audio zapisi na kanalu su u vlasništvu Izdavačkih kuća, Televizijskih kuća i samih izvodjača. U njihovo ime će sva zaštićena muzika biti uklanjana sa ostalih YouTube kanala. Iz ovoga će biti izuzeti samo kanali koji od vlasnika snimaka dobiju specijalnu dozvolu. We have been storytellers for almost 30 years, with over 20 feature films and over 20 TV series. Bringing stories to life through moving pictures is our passion. On this channel you will see teasers, trailers, documentaries and inspirational videos coming out from our studios. This is a channel corresponding with comedy, drama, romance, horror, thriller, mystery and all other genres moving pictures can offer. In our movies you will see most popular actors from Serbia but also some refreshing newcomers in the industry, rising stars coming from the east Europe region. More abuot our work you can find at: