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Series “Mind Tunnel”

The tense psychological drama “Mind Tunnel”, based on police reports, newspaper reports and statements of police officers, shows the lives and work of police negotiators, which takes place on the arbitrarily chosen border between life and death. The team of negotiators is credited with saving more than two hundred human lives with a 100% success rate, yet is in constant danger of being shut down on the grounds that it costs too much and may never be used.

Start Date: Fall 2023

Genre: psychological police thriller
Director and screenwriter: Petar Ristovski
Vladimir Ćosić
Number of Episodes: 12

Team Of Authors

Series Cinematography by:
Goran Volarević
Maja Radošević
Marko Milovanović

Series Visual Effects by:
Bogdan Marjanović
Dejan Šolajić

Series Costume design by:
Veliborka Brankov

Series Makeup Department:
Dušica Vuksanović

Series Set design by:
Željko Antović
Ljubica Petrović

Series Sound design by:
Srđan Milovanović

Series Film Editing by:
Miodrag Cicović
Aleksandar Popović
Aleksandar Lazarević
Petar Jakonić
Petar Ristovski

Series Composer:
Aleksandar Ranđelović



Nevena Gavran, the coordinator of the permanent negotiation group, was sent as an on-call by her superior, Radovan Vucevic Brka, to solve a potential hostage situation happening in the remote hamlet of Zlokucani. Although the situation is presented to her as routine, Nevena is forced to break the rules and negotiate face-to-face with an armed perpetrator, while putting her own life on the line to save the children.

Milos Petrovic, a witty negotiator from the group, collaborates with experienced and wise Tanasije Zarkovic Anker, on a new case in which a perpetrator armed with a bomb and a gun, is holding several young policemen and officers hostage in the police station.

Tanasije, Nevena, and a new colleague, the handsome, young, intelligent, and ambitious psychologist Minja Kovacevic, tackle a sensitive case involving a perpetrator threatening suicide. Every slightest attempt at physical intervention can result in death.

A group of about twenty factory workers of the Cokompanija confectionery factory, led by the Miloje, Grga, and Zivota, are on hunger strike due to unpaid wages and poor working conditions. Milos and Minja try to talk them out of suicidal intentions.

Long-time heroin addict Zeljko buys a gun at the Zajecar market and persuades his underage girlfriend Tamara and her best friend Sandra to steal heroin from Sandra’s acquaintance, the dealer Dzane. Nevena and Nebojsa are forced to negotiate.

Dimitrije Simic, a senior economist, on his birthday, gets fired from the corporation where he has worked for the past seventeen years, in a very brutal way. Tanasije gets the case, with the request of extreme discretion because the top of the state is involved in the matter.

A uniformed policeman who, on the order of the Center for Social Work, demands Jovana to hand over her child, becomes her hostage when she steals his gun. The matter culminates when her ex-husband, also a policeman, appears on the scene, to whom the court awarded the child.

Perpetrator Malic, with the help of a mysterious friend Ivan, provoked by a gay parade in Belgrade, armed to the teeth embarks on the act of revenge, during which he barricades himself in an apartment and shoots at the police. Tanasije and Milos communicate with Malic, who falls into extreme mood swings due to diabetes and lack of insulin.

Although negotiators use Malic’s mother as a mediator, a peaceful solution is further away from them. While tensions between Tanasije and the superior authorities are growing, the only hope in solving this case remains the emotional connection that he manages to make with Malic.

Tanasije and Nevena go to the case in which Srdjan Stankovic – Zmaj, attacked his neighbor and broke his arm. Extreme phases in Stankovic’s behavior alternate extremely quickly, from completely reasonable to extremely paranoid, which makes the job of negotiators more difficult.

Three underage friends talk that they are going to kidnap one of them, Nenad, and ask his father for ransom money. Despite the demand for absolute secrecy, information about the abduction ends up in the newspapers. Milos and Minja, with the help of local inspector Bogi, try to get to Nenad before the kidnappers harm him.

Srdjan Puzovic arrives in front of the Serbian Government building in the middle of the night, demanding that they bring Inspector Jovic to him or he will blow everything in the air. While they are trying to carry out negotiations, the private lives of the negotiators, their mutual relations, as well as conflicts with their superiors from the police, reach a boiling point.


Petar Ristovski


Petar Ristovski, rođen 1986. u Beogradu, diplomirao je filmsku i TV režiju na Fakultetu dramskih umetnosti u Beogradu. Kao reditelj i producent radi u produkcijskoj kući Zillion Film. Pored toga, jedan je od osnivača nezavisnog Ludum Ludum pozorišta.

Njegov najznačajniji projekat do sada je film i TV serija “King Petar I” (2018), koji je postigao ogromnu popularnost u Srbiji  i koji je bio izabran kao srpski kandidat za nagradu Oskar u kategoriji “Najbolji strani film”. Režirao je filmove i serije: “Saligia” (film, misterija), “Tunel” (serija, drama, 12 epizoda), “Bilo jednom u Srbiji” (film i serija, osam epizoda), Panta Draškić – cena časti “ (TV film), “Ostrvo straha” (dokumentarna emisija, dve epizode), “Gde je Nađa?” (dugometražni film, diplomski film grupe reditelja, reditelj VII scene). Režirao je i pozorišne predstave “Kad se snovi ispune, ne može se više živeti u njima” i “Izuj se”, a pored toga je režirao i više od 10 kratkih igranih i dokumentarnih filmova koji su osvojili preko 20 internacionalnih nagrada.

All The Actors In The Series

Role in the seriesName and surname
NevenaMinja Peković
MilošJovan Belobrković
TanasijeDragan Boža Marjanović
MinjaTamara Šustić
BrkaMiloš Đorđević
MalićLazar Ristovski
Branislav TripkovićZoran Cvijanović
Srđan PuzovićSergej Trifunović
Srđan Stanković ZmajRadovan Vujović
JovanaTeodora Ristovski
Samuraj – Lazar TešićMirko Vlahović
Nikola StevićDušan Jakišić
Dimitrije SimićAleksandar Đurica
Dunjina bakaDanica Ristovski
Nenadova majkaJelena Đokić
Nenadov otacMiloš Timotijević
BogiIgor Damnjanović
MarijanaKristina Stevović Obradović
Novinarka IrinaMilica Gojković
ŽeljkoDanilo Lončarević
TamaraSara Simović
SandraJovana Belović
Načelnik PU BeogradBranislav Lečić
MilutinDragan Petrović - Pele
Advokat AnđelkovićNebojša Dugalić
IvanFeđa Štukan
ŽivotaJovo Maksić
Sin FilipMateja Kostić
Nervozniji policajacMiloš Lalović
Mirniji policajacJovan Ristovski
Vladimir - Nevenin bivši mužIvan Zarić
Kinez dilerSaša Ali
Džane dilerČarni Đerić
Goran - inspektorMiloš Lazić
Željko - inspektorGoran Ivanović
Načelnik PU VoždovacMlađan Crkvenjaš
Radnik 1Ratko Ignjatov
Radnik 2Dejan Petošević
Radnik 3Uroš Urošević
Policajac 1Miloš Vlalukin
Policajac 2Živan Pujić
TužiteljkaBojana Grabovac
HR menadžerkaVanja Jovanović
Generalna menadžerkaLena Bogdanović
Socijalni radnikDamjan Kecojević
Psihijatar MalićaSaša Torlaković
Načelnik PU PožarevacMiroslav Jović
Potpukovnik BoškovićDejan Tošić
Socijalni radnikDejan Cicmilović
PsihološkinjaLora Đurović
Oficir bezbednostiNenad Petrović
RobijaErvin Hadžimurtezić
Inspektor LjubišaNebojša Đorđević
Policajac u uniformiAleksandar Petrović Kolebanac
SaobraćajacMirko Jokić

Role in the seriesName and surname
MilojeAleksandar Gavranić
GrgaMiljan Davidović
Jović inspektorBojan Krivokapić
Predrag - Nikolin sinSrđan Kner
Nikola - Tanasijev sin - SAJStrahinja Blažić
Nikola - Lazarev sinLazar Tasić
Matija - Lazarev sinAleksa Maksimović
Anđela - Lazareva ćerkaMagdalena Ivanović
Brankica - Grgina ženaAnita Stojadinović
Ivan - Jovanin muž Andrija Daničić
MimiMarko Mak Pantelić
DunjaMilica Bašić
NebojšaBojan Žirović
PackoMilan Kolak
Pukovnik RadovićIvan Isailović
DušanDaniel Kovačević
Brkin sinAndrija Nikčević
Slađana - socijalni radnikMilica Milša
Komandant žandarmerijeJovan Jelisavčić
Malićeva majkaRadmila Živković
Čuvar KrdžaJovica Ristovski
Poslovođa PeraIvan Zekić
DirektorAndrej Šepetkovski
KrezaviAleksa Stojadinović
Mršavi/visokiNikola Đakovac
NenadIvan Vujić
Policajka taocRomana Caran
Doktor u GAK-uMirko Marković
Baba u autobusuAnđelka Ristić
Stariji policajacSaša Pilipović
BakaLjubica Nedić
Komšija TodorovićNebojša Vranić
Tiktok tinejdžer 1Mateja Bokan
Tiktok tinejdžer 2Boris Gluvajić
Mladi policajac 1Dejan Maksimović
KaurinDragan Stokić
SvedokGoran Popović
PumpadžijaNenad Savić
Mladi policajac 2Nikola Petrović
SamoubicaLuka Sević
DenisBožidar Antonijević
Načelnik PU NišDejan Berđam
KardiološkinjaDragana Obradović
VatrogasacStefan Starčević
Vlasnik Vege baraNikola Kerkez
Upravnik zgradeNenad Gvozdenović
Socijalna radnicaAleksandra Arizanović
Devojka studentIvana Velinović
Dečko studentMihajlo Jovanović
Dunjina psihološkinjaAleksandra Šaljić
Lekar u šok sobiAleksandar Kanjevac
Debeli policajacLako Nikolić
Mladi policajac 3Slobodan Aleksić
Novinar NemanjaGabrijel Bećarević
ZaposleniGoran Šacka



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